Pricing is approximate and is subject to change – Please contact Antler Ridge for exact pricing.
Roger - 816-289-1154
Range from 8 weeks to 16 weeks and will have basic obedience commands, such as come to their name and whistle, sit, down, and stay and started on the retrieve. Pups will have been highly socialized and introduce to water experience, motor vehicles, horses, other dogs and cats.
Intermediate Dogs
These dogs range in age from 6 months to 10 to 12 months. They have been trained in all obedience skills mentioned above and have been worked on not only planted antler, but have had experience in the field on wild antlers, for a period of not less then 2 months.
Started Puppies
These dogs range in age from 17 weeks to 6 months. They have all the above skills of the pup, but have advanced to a skill level of searching for planted antlers.